Opera Fullscreen Autoshow/hide Toolbar
Another thing missing from Opera is the fullscreen mode autoshow/hide toolbar. Yes, there are ways to show and autohide the toolbars with delay using keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures as described here , however, often time we (especially netbook users) just want to use our mouse to show the address bar or tab bar to navigate back/forward or to switch tabs. So, my idea is, when we go to fullscreen mode, we add a handler to detect when the mouse reach the top of the screen, and when it does, we would like to send Opera the show toolbars shortcut. I have searched through Opera Extensions API if there is a way to send an internal Opera action command through an extension, but so far the result is none. So, finally, I decided to utilize Autohotkey to the rescue. Basically I wrote a script to detect when Opera is active, and detect when mouse position reach top of the page, then send the keyboard shortcut to Opera. #NoTrayIcon ; Uncomment this line to show Tray Icon #Persistent ...